The root meaning of the word prayer, is to set a trap for the divine, or string a Web to catch or connect. Art is my prayer, where I meditate, connect and express. Just like an instrument, I would hope for the Inspiration to flow through to the open expression of the moment. Using symmetry has taught me to tune in a certain channel, where I have witnessed faces, beings, and elementals come through. This has been the thrill of my relationship with art, forming, sculpting and growing. 

I found Art at a very young age, or maybe Art found me. One of my early guardians was an artist and taught me how to draw a portrait. I forever since then have wanted to keep growing of how to draw a portrait. That was at a very young age. When I was a teenager I was into graffiti. I learned how to sculpt letters, color them and make them three dimensional. This changed my imagination to flow with shapes and colors. I then started to create and evolve an organic asymmetrical figures, using what I knew about graffiti styles. This then let me to challenge myself to draw in symmetry after placing one of my a-symmetrical‘s in a mirror. I was able to see a whole new figure. Now I realize I find prayer in art, mapping or stringing a web of lines, however my intuition leads me. I draw shapes and circles and lines until I feel peace, and then let it sit for about a week and the shapes begin to speak back. Then the sculpting begins, and the interpretations start to come through. It is a fascinating journey and passion I love to grow for.